Sermon Series'


The Lord’s Prayer

When Jesus was asked by his disciple “teach us to how to pray” he taught what is now the know as The Lord’s Prayer. Well almost, the modern prayer has a couple more lines. This prayer of Jesus is profound, so short, and so deep. Over the next five weeks in the lead up to […]


Jesus turns upside down…

When Jesus was born it was far more than just a baby being born. In many categories, God was doing something that turned the world upside down. Even in the stories about the birth and in those who came to visit the child, we see a subversion of the worlds order though the baby Jesus. […]


Cultural Stories

Each person has a context in which they live and contribute to the world. This context is like the water a fish swims in. ‘Culture’ is a notoriously difficult ‘thing’ to define, particularly because it is a term which has so many facets to it—such that debates have raged over the very meaning of “culture”. […]


Scoundrels of the Old Testament

We just finished the apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy, and there the apostle makes a couple of really important points about the Bible, and in his context, specifically the Old Testament. Like it is ‘the word of truth’ (2 Tim 2:15); “…the Holy Scriptures, … are able to make you wise for salvation through […]


Passing on the Gospel

When things are difficult for you and the end seems near what do you do? The apostle Paul wrote a beautiful letter of encouragement, exhortation and affection to his son in the faith of Jesus–Timothy. As difficult as things are for Paul, his mind remains focused on the spread of the gospel. It’s often easy […]


Arguing with Jesus

Ever feel like you are stuck in the same old arguments? It’s not uncommon… And many of the things we argue (or lets say: ‘discuss’!) about are the same as generations before. There isn’t much new under the sun! Jesus too, was a participant in many of the arguments as well… so what can we […]


Formation by Resurrection

Life after death… the resurrection is what we celebrate and, Jesus’ experience of this, makes Easter Sunday one of the holiest day of the Christian year. But resurrection, sounds like it’s not practical until after death right, what good is it for now? Like a book that sits on the shelf at home, never being […]



Lent is the time when we especially reflect on the Cross of Christ. It’s a period of preparation for the Easter week, where Jesus enters Jerusalem to much fan-fair, and then is killed on Friday, and then dramatically returns from the dead!! As we particularly consider the Jesus’ shameful death, that day would have raised […]


From Shame to Salvation

Ever done some of your family history and found a skeleton in the closet? An event or person that isn’t talked about much because of something shameful? I’ve got them too, and so does Jesus! In the lead up to Christmas we are going to focus on the five women that are highlighted in Matthew’s […]


Targeting Maturity

Sometime ago I came across a very troubling large survey of churchgoers and church leaders that showed 81% of self-identified Christians equated spiritual maturity as “trying hard to follow the rules described in the Bible”. This, four out of five(!) stat, is particularly troubling because it comes from people who acknowledge that salvation is not […]

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