Paradoxes of the gospel

July 24, 2020


paradox /ˈparədɒks/
  1. a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement or proposition which when investigated may prove to be well founded or true.

There are multiple parts of the bible and Christian thought that people have found to be puzzling paradoxes. The point of this series is to explore some of them. Last year we also considered some paradoxes, yet due to a personal tragedy in the family I didn’t finish the series. So we’ll pick up some of the issues not covered last time with a few additional ones. This series is in a draft (flexible!) form and might take another break, depending on when we return to face-to-face gatherings as I have a specific series to mark that important occasion.

In this series we’ll look at the following questions:

  • Being weak is to be strong?, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11; 12:6-10 (July 26)
  • Gaining by losing?, Matthew 16:21-28 and John 12:20-36 (Aug 2)
  • Jesus: Servant and Lord?, John 13:1-17 (Aug 9)
  • Lament is the path to praise?, Psalm 13 (Aug 16)