Advent series

November 24, 2014


The season of Advent is a time of waiting, a time of urgent anticipation, a time of watching for the fulfilment of what has been promised. Jesus will return! Are we ready?

Week 1 (Nov 30). The Coming LORD (Nahum 1:1-8 & Mark 13:24-37)
Main point: God is a promise-keeping God

Week 2 (Dec 7). The Coming Deliverer (Isaiah 40:1-11 & Mark 1:1-8)
Main point: Jesus was SENT to reclaim His people from exile.

Week 3 (Dec 14). The Coming Messenger (Isaiah 61:1-11 & Luke 4:14-30)
Main point: Jesus is SENT to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Week 4 (Dec 21). The Coming Christ (2 Samuel 7:1-16 & Luke 1:26-33)
Main point: Jesus was SENT to claim His crown as King.