A Fellowship Rejoicing in Grace

February 13, 2017


God’s people, the church, are not simple a group of individuals that come together on occasions and then depart, instead they are a fellowship, a body, a family. But what marks this fellowship, what defines it? Yes, we eat together and spend time with each other, we support one another in our griefs and sorrows. But even more than these things, our formation by first accepting the gospel as means of our personal salvation, also impacts our attitudes that we have towards each other.

In this series we will explore deeply what shapes us as a community that Jesus first created by looking at the three stories Jesus told in Luke 15. We are going to sketch out the deep attitudes we have towards each other, and how these attitudes spring out of what Jesus has done and achieved for us. We will see how, when we believe the gospel, our community will be a very remarkable and different one to any others.

  • Luke 15:1-10 He eats with sinners! (Grace), Feb 19th.
  • Luke 15:11-31 Give me mine (Desire), Feb 26th.
  • Luke 15:11-24 He came to senses (Repentance), March 5th.
  • Luke 15:11-31 He kissed him (Forgiveness), March 12th.
  • Luke 15:17-31 I’ve been slaving for you (Lostness), March 19th