

Listening to sermons

I just read an article on The Australian website which states “Researchers believe listening skills have since fallen amid more multitasking and interruptions.” (click here for the article) Not good news for the average preacher! But listening to sermons is actually hard. Why? Because listening to anything requires attention and so application and exertion is […]


A life that is just to be cuddled and loved

Recently I watched this beautiful video about a short life over at the Centre for Public Christianity (click here). The way that Helen describes the life of her daughter, Zoe, is very poignant and soul searching for our culture which is so driven by performance, achievement and setting oneself up as a success. Helen describes […]


Hope lost? Hope in something?

Last week in our local messenger Monique Bowley wrote an article entitled “What is life without hope?” (Portside Messenger, 25/06/2014). The piece was a reflection on what she had seen at an audition for Channel 9’s Millionaire Hot Seat.  The article grabbed my attention because of Monique’s social commentary regarding the lack of ‘hope’ within […]



It is common for someone who has delivered a sermon to experience ‘sermon regret’ the day after.  This feeling is often over something missed out completely (i.e. something more needed to have been said), something that could have been clearer and the like.  The first time I preached at a Sunday gathering the following Monday […]


Men’s convention

Saturday was a wonderful time when about 450 men gathered to hear from God’s word, to sing and to pray.  Ray Galea spoke very clearly and directly to us on Wisdom, Anger and Adultery, (mostly) from the book of Proverbs. All in the group I attented with were shown aspects of our lives that need […]


Top 10 tips for atheists this Easter

This Easter here is a great little article to consider by Rev. John Dickson which helps one to engage in what they really believe the Christian faith is; or to have a true understanding of what you reject—should that be your path.


Watching Noah

Last week, on my day off, I headed to the local Oden cinemas to check out Darren Aronofsky’s Noah. My expectations were not high for biblical accuracy, after all this is a movie longer than two hours which springs from just four chapters of biblical text. However I was still hoping to relax with a […]



From time to time news will be added here, however at this moment this part of the site is under construction…

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